
What To Do To Avoid Weight Gain During Ramadan

Upon the arrival of Ramadan, the diet and eating time of fasting people change. It is necessary to pay attention not to put strain on and tire out the digestive system, which is empty for long hours, with the foods eaten at iftar time. It is also important that the foods eaten at sahur time are as light and easily digestible as possible.

The diet in Ramadan must allow the internal organs to rest, eliminate the toxins and normalize the blood fats. Ramadan can be spent without weight gain or even with weight losing through iftar and sahur menus consisting of healthy foods and small portions. Our article below includes answers to "How a healthy diet should be during Ramadan" and "What to do to avoid weight gain during Ramadan?". 

Reduce The Portion Size

The number of meals decreases while the portion sizes generally increase during Ramadan. This puts strain on the digestive system, which slows down during the day, and excess calories to be taken in by the body through increasing variety of foods. Iftar menus should be simple and light, and portion sizes should be as small as possible. About 2 hours after breaking the fast by one date, water and a small bowl of soup, a small portion of carbohydrate and protein can be eaten again. The food in the iftar menu contains vegetables, meat, and cereals and legumes.


Consume Plenty Of Greens

Iftar and sahur menus must include greens; foods should be consumed with salads containing greens. Green vegetables will provide the necessary water to the body, which is dehydrated throughout the day, as well as resistance to metabolism through its vitamin and mineral contents.You can grow greens such as lettuce, parsley, green onion and basil at home. These freshly picked greens will make your salads more delicious. If you wish, you can also take a look at our list of  “Vegetables and Fruits You Can Grow In A Pot”.


Keep Away From Sugar

Blood sugar decreases during fasting. The desserts with sherbet or desserts containing too much sugar consumed right after eating food at iftar will cause the blood sugar to rise rapidly and decrease again by the release of insulin. This will cause you to feel hungrier and the refined sugar you take in by dessert to be stored in the liver. In short, frequent consumption of foods with high glycemic index and refined sugar during Ramadan will result in weight gain. The need to eat dessert must be met with dates, fresh fruits and dairy desserts with low sugar content.


Increase Active Time

It is normal to become inactive due to hunger-related low blood sugar and weakness during the day. Consumption of high-calorie foods at iftar and sahur and being inactive during fasting may result in weight gain. Therefore, doing simple exercises - paying attention not to sweat too much to avoid dehydration-, walking short distances, and climbing up and down the stairs without pushing the body too hard will be an important step. If you wish, you can take a look at out list of “10 Activities To Do At Home”.


You Can Watch Movies and Series, and Read Books to Spend Time

You may want to eat snacks and have junk food, sweets, chocolates and chips after iftar. But, you should know that most of the consumed foods will be stored in the body due to the digestive system that slows down during the day. So, you can spend the time, when eating and drinking are free, by preferring different activities. You can watch a good movie or you can spend quality time away from unnecessary calorie intake by reading a book. If you wish you can take a look at our list of “Engrossing Books To Read”.


Pay Attention To Consume High-Fibrous Foods

Since high-fibrous food, i.e. fiber-rich food, remain in the stomach for a longer time, it also increases the duration of satiety. The feeling of satiety is what is needed most during fasting. Consumption of fiber-rich foods at iftar and sahur provides satiety for a longer time and a comfortable fasting period. Since oatmeal, bulgur, apples, broccoli, spinach, carrots, plums, figs, pears, walnuts, greens and wholemeal products are rich in fiber, they extend the duration of satiety and accelerate the metabolism.


Build A Regular Sleeping Pattern

Sleep does not only allow for the body to rest, but also allows for cell repair and renewal. The fat-burning growth hormones are also activated during night sleep. Therefore, high-quality and sufficient sleeping during Ramadan will enable proper functioning of the digestive system. Not sleeping during the period from iftar to sahur will affect the metabolism indirectly and adversely, and make it difficult to burn the food consumed. So, a regular sleeping pattern should be built and sleeplessness should be avoided during Ramadan.

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  • Brenda P. Reyna
  • 13-05-2020

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