
Creamy Roasted Pepper Soup Recipe

Together with LifeCo, we have prepared a creamy roasted pepper soup recipe specially for those looking for a light and delicious food, which can be easily made at home. You can try to make this delicious soup recipe, which you will enjoy eating, in your own kitchen and share it with your loved ones. If you are one of those who care about their fitness and want to get to know similar recipes, then you can take a look at our article “Green Vegetable Detox Soup Recipe For Those Who Want to Keep Fit”.

Ingredients for Creamy Roasted Pepper Soup Recipe


*120 g cashew nut

*5 drinking cups of water

*1 drinking cup of coconut milk

*3 ½ tsp of salt/pepper

*2 tsp of fresh lemon juice

*1 tsp of nutritional yeast

*1-2 dessert spoons of red pepper flakes

*¼ tsp of Cayenne Pepper

*250 g red pepper pieces (dried for 2 hours)


*1 drinking cup of mushroom (button, oyster, cultivated or Portobello mushroom)

*1/4 drinking cup of small chopped red onion

*7 g olive oil

*Salt/Black Pepper

*1 dessert spoon of thyme (freshly chopped)


*43g cashew cheese

*70 g almond, cashew nut or hazelnut

*1/3 drinking cup of water

*1 tbsp of fresh lemon juice

*¼ tsp of salt

Here is the recipe of Creamy Roasted Pepper Soup


• Dry the bell pepper for 2-3 hours.

• Mix all the ingredients and adjust the flavor.


• Mix the mushrooms, thyme, onion, olive oil, salt and pepper, and dry for 30 minutes.


• Mix all ingredients until smooth and creamy.


• Take the mushrooms in the soup bowl.

• Pour the soup over the mushrooms.

• Pour yogurt over the soup.



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  • Kenny B. Sain
  • 12-11-2021

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