
Wondrous Facts About Vincent Van Gogh and His Life

Vincent Willem Van Gogh, one of the most famous painters of our time, was born on March 30, 1853. He committed suicide in France on July 29, 1890. Most of the impressionist paintings of the artist are displayed in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. In addition, various papers and works left by the artist before he committed suicide are displayed for the visitors in Vincent Van Gogh Foundation in Arles, France.



Life of Vincent Van Gogh

There are currently several novels, movies and documentaries on Vincent Van Gogh. All these movies, documentaries and books intend to give back the attention he deserved but could not get in his lifetime. Having tried several professions such as teacher and sales manager, Vincent Van Gogh decided to become a painter in his late 20s. His early works consisted of drawings of Dutch rural life, with dark and pale colors. 



Discovering impressionist works when he moved to Paris, the famous painter Van Gogh started to use much more colors in his paintings and joined a more positive movement.  Not getting the attention he expected despite this change, Van Gogh moved to Arles in the southern part of France and continued to live a quiet life. Starting to receive treatments due to the traumas he had encountered, the artist cut off part of his ear and committed suicide before long. 



Most Famous Works of Vincent Van Gogh

The Starry Night

The painting "Starry Night" is undoubtedly one of his best known works. He painted it during his treatment in France, with unique and expressive techniques. Today, it is speculated that Vincent Van Gogh painted it because of the drug-induced hallucinations he experienced. This painting he made a year before his death inspired many impressionist works. 




Vincent Van Gogh invited his close friend Gauguin to Arles, where he lived, and made 5 different versions of the painting to decorate the room of Gaugin. In his letter to his sister, Van Gogh told about the differences between 5 different versions of "Sunflowers" paintings and 12 different versions he intended to paint. Although these works are displayed in different museums today, the association of these works was found out with his letters to his sister.



Wondrous Facts About the Life of Vincent Van Gogh

Despite the financial hardship Vincent Van Gogh suffered while he was living in France, he collected Japanese prints and engravings, which he was highly interested in.  Although it is known that Van Gogh committed suicide by gunshot in the stomach, today it is also speculated that he was killed.




Why Did Vincent Van Gogh Cut Off His Ear?

Van Gogh invited his close friend, painter Gauguin, to stay with him while he was living in France, and they worked with Gauguin for a while.  The two started to have arguments time to time during their time together. One night, the argument became heated and Van Gogh took a razor with his anger and made a move towards his friend Gauguin.  Van Gogh got angry when Gauguin stepped back, and he suddenly cut off part of his ear, making history as "the artist who cut off his ear".

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