
Visa-Free Countries To Travel

Visa-free countries are ideal to travel for those who love traveling but find the required bureaucratic visa procedures challenging. If long visa waiting times are challenging and you have no time to waste, then you can enjoy your passion for travel to the fullest by traveling to visa-free countries. 





There are various countries to travel without visa requirements for those who love traveling, exploring new places and seeing different cultures. So you do not go through long and costly visa procedures but have the opportunity to explore many of the different countries.





What Does It Mean To Travel Visa-Free?

Traveling visa-free means traveling to a foreign country without the need for a travel visa, with only a passport that is valid for at least 6 months. The duration of stay during visa-free travel depends on the country. It varies from 15 days to 90 days. Even if it is visa-free, it still requires going through some procedures. If you are going to travel outside Türkiye, then you must hold a green, black, maroon or gray passport.  



You just need to apply to Birth Registration Office with the receipt showing that the relevant fee is paid, your ID and a biometric photo to obtain a passport. The passport is submitted to your address shortly after the application. The validity period of the passport issued may vary from 6 months to 10 years. The fee to be paid varies depending on the validity period of the passport. Once the passport procedures are completed, you can choose any visa-free country to travel.  




How to Travel Visa-Free

A visa is a document issued by competent authorities to travel from one country to another. Some of the countries do not require a visa to enter. It is very important to have everything ready before travel and to make sure that your passport has not expired. 




You must make sure that your passport is valid for at least 6 months. Otherwise, you may experience problems during control. You must learn what permissions and documentation are required to enter the countries you will travel visa-free in detail. 





You must buy the round-trip flight ticket you need to travel and take it with you. If you love traveling and exploring new places, then you can also take a look at our article A Journey Packed With History: Discover the Ancient City of Petra





Countries To Travel With ID Cards 

In addition to visa-free countries, there are also countries that do not require a passport but only an ID card.  For those who are planning to travel abroad with less expense, countries to travel with an ID card can be a great alternative. You can travel to Azerbaijan, Moldova, Georgia, TRNC and Ukraine, which are one of the visa-free countries to travel from Türkiye, without a passport or visa, with only your ID card.


Visa-Free Countries To Travel From Türkiye

Antigua and Barbuda / North America / Visa-Free / 90 days

Argentina / South America / Visa-Free / 90 days

Albania Europe / Visa-Free / 90 days

Azerbaijan / Europe / Visa-Free / 90 days

Belarus / Europe / Visa-Free / 30 days

Brazil / South America / Visa-Free / 90 days

Indonesia / Asia / Visa-Free / 30 days

Morocco / Africa / Visa-Free / 90 days

Philippines / Asia / Visa-Free / 30 days

South Korea / Asia / Visa-Free / 90 days

Georgia Europe / Visa-Free / 365 days

Hong Kong / Asia / Visa-Free / 90 days

Iran / Asia / Visa-Free / 90 days

Jamaica / North America / Visa-Free / 90 days

Montenegro / Europe / Visa-Free / 90 days

Qatar    Asia / Visa-Free / 90 days

Kazakhstan / Asia / Visa-Free / 30 days

Kenya / Africa / Online Visa / 90 days

Laos / Asia / Visa on Arrival and Online Visa        30 days

Lebanon / Asia / Visa-Free / 90 days

Madagascar / Africa / Visa on Arrival / 30 days

Republic of Macedonia / Europe / Visa-Free / 90 days

Maldives / Asia / Visa on Arrival/ 30 days

Malaysia / Asia Visa-Free / 90 days

Mexico / North America / Online Visa / 180 days

Egypt / Asia / Visa on Arrival / 30 days

Moldova / Europe / Visa-Free / 90 days

Mozambique / Africa / Visa on Arrival and Online Visa   90 days

Nicaragua / North America / Visa-Free / 90 days

Uzbekistan / Asia / Visa-Free / 30 days

Peru / South America / Visa-Free / 90 days

Senegal / Africa / Visa on Arrival / 90 days

Seychelles / Africa / Visa-Free / 90 days

 Serbia / Europe / Visa-Free / 90 days

Singapore / Asia / Visa-Free / 30 days

Chile / South America / Visa-Free / 90 days

Tajikistan / Asia / Visa on Arrival and Online Visa / 30 days

Tanzania / Africa / Visa on Arrival / 90 days

Thailand / Asia  Visa-Free / 30 days

Taiwan Asia / Visa on Arrival and Online Visa / 30 days

Ukraine / Europe / Visa-Free / 90 days

Uruguay / South America / Visa-Free     90 days

Jordan  Asia / Visa-Free / 90 days

Vanuatu / Oceania / Visa-Free /90 days

Venezuela / South America / Visa-Free / 90 days

Zambia Africa / Visa on Arrival and Online Visa / 30 days



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Viewed 1009 times
  • Danielle S. Wyatt
  • 27-10-2023

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