
Refreshing Cool Lime: Enjoy Getting Refreshed with Cool Lime

Cool lime is the perfect combination of lemon, mint and ice and one of the most favorite drinks on scorching summer days. Cool lime is not only a drink that can be made and consumed all year round as it is refreshing, but also a drink that is easy to make at home. Surprisingly, cool lime is made with only 4 ingredients, which means that only a few ingredients turn this popular drink into a stylish drink. Here, we present an incredibly practical cool lime recipe to make at home.    


What is Cool Lime?

Cool lime is an extremely refreshing drink that is made with lime, lemon, sugar, fresh mint and water. Cool lime is preferred not only because it is a drink that can be consumed almost all year round thanks to the energizing and immunity-boosting benefits of lemon, but also because it is practical to make.


Ingredients of Cool Lime 

Cool lime is made with 4 main ingredients. The classic cool lime recipe includes lemon, sugar, fresh mint, water and crushed ice. If you wish, you can also use sliced lemon when serving. 



Ingredients for the Recipe for 2-4 People:

2 lemons, 

20-25 fresh mint leaves,  

2 tablespoons of granulated sugar, 

4 drinking cups of cold water. 



Cool lime recipe is a simple recipe that does not demand much.  You can easily make this refreshing drink even with simple things. 

Ingredients Used To Serve Cool Lime

You can serve your cool lime in long drink glasses with a straw, or in any other types of glasses you want. 



  • To make cool lime at home, start with grating the lemon peels into a bowl. At this point, it is important to avoid grating the white parts of the lemon. 
  • Add granulated sugar and mint leaves into the bowl.
  • Mix all the ingredients with your hands for 2-3 minutes to make the flavor of grated lemon and mint mixes with the sugar.
  • Squeeze the lemons, and add cold water on the lemon juice. Stir until the sugar completely dissolves.
  • Strain the mixture through a muslin cloth or a strainer, and then take it into a jug.
  • Crush the ice cubes into small pieces with a hard object.
  • Take the crushed ice into the glasses, and then pour the cool lime you make.
  • You can amp up the flavor with fresh mint leaves and sliced lemon. 


Tips for Making Cool Lime

  • For the cool lime not to taste bitter, avoid grating the white parts of the lemons. 
  • You can adjust the amount of ice and sugar depending on how you prefer. 
  • The original cool lime recipe includes dark green lime. If you cannot find lime, you can also use lemon.  
  • Those who care about their diets also wonder how many calories does the Cool lime have. One serving cup of cool lime has approximately 50 calories. The calories of the drink increase as the sugar content increases. 





Cool lime, which is originally made with lemon, can also be made with red fruits like blackberries and strawberries. Cool lime is a tasty, vitamin drink that you will enjoy drinking all day long for its energy-refreshing property and lovingly serve to your loved ones.




How Long Does It Take To Make Cool Lime?

Cool lime is a drink with an extremely short preparation time. You can make this refreshing and tasty drink in 15 minutes. You can also take a look at our article Refreshing Milkshake Recipes For Summer for a different refreshing drink. 




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Viewed 4144 times
  • Sandra Mullins
  • 01-10-2023

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