
About The Father's Day and Its History

Symbolizing power and trust for every child, the father is also a figure whose footsteps and advises are followed, and who is seen as a role model for many. The love for father, a feeling so important that it has even become the subject of poems, is more prominent on the third Sunday of June every year. Because this day is father's day, and every father, who has made great efforts for his children on the way of life, is embraced with love and gratitude. How the "Father's Day", which was first celebrated on June 19, 1910, was originated is also wondered. This special day has a special story. Here are wondered things about Father's Day…

Story of How Father's Day Was Originated

Just like Mother's Day, Father's Day also has its own sad story. The protagonist of the story is a war veteran named William Jackson Smart… Smart was raising his children alone, without a mother. Sonora Smart Dodd, the daughter of this self-sacrificing man, wanted to dedicate a special day to her father as a gift of loyalty. Because, Sonora believed that fathers deserved a special day just as much as mothers. Sonora Smart Dodd took the initiative for her father's birthday, June 5, to be declared as Father's Day. Despite the efforts in this respect, the celebrations could not be held on June 5, and were postponed to the third Sunday of June. With the efforts of Sonora Smart Dodd, the Father's Day started to be celebrated all over the world over time.

Father's Day was first celebrated on June 19, 1910 in Spokane, Washington, USA. Even though this special day was supported by the then US President Calvin Coolidge in 1924, it did not become official within a short time. In 1966, the then President Lyndon B. Johnson published a notice announcing that the third week of June every year would be celebrated as Father's Day. During the period of US President Nixon, this day was declared as a public holiday and officially registered with his signature.

Father's Day can be celebrated on different dates in some of the countries around the world. For example, Catholics celebrate Father's Day on March 19 by commemorating Jesus Christ.    

Celebrated on the third Sunday of June, Father's Day falls on June 20 this year.

We wish Happy Father's Day to all fathers and everyone who touches a living creature with the affection of a father!

We commemorate the fathers in eternal rest with longing and mercy...


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  • Debra J. Cantu
  • 18-06-2021

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