What Are the Conditions of Safe Tourism Certificate’s?
As of June, the controlled normalization process has been launched as part of the measures taken for preventing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please note, some measures that you will read in this article may be updated by the competent authorities after a while, therefore we would like to state that you can direct your questions to our call center +90 444 96 00 for the most up-to-date information.
What Are The Measures and Practices that Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey ‘‘Safe Tourism Certificate’’ Includes?
First of all, we are implementing the social distancing plan intended at the common use areas at our facilities. Now, we are primarily providing you, our guests, with a written information with respect to the COVID-19 measures and the practices thereto. We are also providing visual information with respect to the rules and social distances which are being applied/required to be observed all across the facility. We, as the Barut Hotels, are putting into practice the below listed guidelines by complying with the circular letter, issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. In accordance with such guidelines:
- The facilities shall welcome the guests at the capacity that has been determined by observing the social distancing guidelines.
- While entering the facility, the guests shall be welcomed by checking their body temperatures by means of thermal cameras or contactless body temperature thermometers, and be provided with the disinfectant carpets (mats) and hand disinfectant means.
- Personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves shall be made available to be given to the guests upon request.
- The guests shall be asked to provide information about the locations, where they have been during the last 14 days, and also about their chronic diseases, if any, as well as whether they have suffered from COVID-19.
- Payments shall be made contactless as much as possible.
- Location signs shall be provided inside the elevators, and the guests shall be informed in writing about the use of the elevators in accordance with the social distancing guidelines.
- All common use areas shall be arranged in accordance with the social distancing plan, and the measures shall be taken and the markings shall be placed as required for social distancing, and no guests in excess of the capacity, as indicated in the plan, shall be admitted.
- The requirement for keeping the social distance with each other while making use of the common areas shall not be sought for the individuals who are staying within the same room or who are from the same family.
- Hand disinfectants or antiseptics shall be made available at the entrance of the common use areas and the public lavatories for the guests, and also at various locations of the wide common use areas. The entrance doors of the public lavatories shall be equipped with an automatic door system, if possible. Otherwise, the entrance doors shall be kept open by placing appropriate folding screens.
- In the event that the units such as the gyms and fitness centers are put into service, then a booking system shall be applied for the purpose of ensuring the safe use of such units, and the number of the individuals, who will make use of such units, as well as the period of such utilization shall be limited, and the areas of utilization and the equipment therein shall be cleaned by using hygiene materials conforming to the standards, after each such utilization. The disposable products such as soaps, shampoo and shower gel/cream shall be made available for the guests at such areas. The SPA units such as the Turkish bath, sauna and massage units shall not be put into service at any facility that does not hold a Safe Tourism Certificate.
- Beach-pool towels shall be made available, either inside sealed plastic bags or by the assigned staff members, to be used by the guests.
- The areas, where food service is offered, shall be arranged so as to have a distance of 1.5 meter between the tables, and a distance of 60 cm between the chairs side by side. The service staff shall watch over to maintain the distancing guidelines and avoid any contact during the service.
- In case of availability of all-you-can-eat buffet, a barrier shall be deployed at the guests side of the buffet station so as to prevent any access by the guests, and the service shall be offered by the kitchen staff.
- It shall be ensured that the equipment such as the tea/coffee makers, water dispensers and beverage makers available at the common use areas are removed, or that the guests are served by the service staff members.
- The materials such as the dining tables, chairs, service materials, sugar, salt, spices, napkins and menus shall be cleaned for hygiene by making use of alcohol-based products after each utilization by the guests.
- All areas shall be cleaned by making use of the disinfecting materials conforming to the standards, depending on the nature of the surface, and within appropriate time intervals, and the traceability records shall be kept for such practices.
- The lavatory surfaces, toilet seats, pissoirs, wash-hand basins, faucet and battery taps and knobs and door handles shall be cleaned and disinfected frequently, and the traceability records shall be kept for such cleaning and disinfection. Liquid soap shall be made available at all times.
- It shall be ensured that the periodic servicing is maintained for the ventilation and air-conditioning system as well as such other appliances, outfits, materials and equipment such as the washing machines and dishwashers, and any such equipment shall be sterilized as required.
- The surfaces with a high level of contact such as the door handles, handrails, elevator buttons, contact buttons and switches, POS devices, television remote controls, telephones, towel cards, room cards or keys, water heaters at the rooms shall be cleaned frequently by making use of an disinfecting agent, and the traceability records shall be kept for such cleaning.
- The guest rooms, the surfaces exposed to hand contact at such rooms and the equipment such as telephones, remote controls, water heaters, door-window handles shall be cleaned by making use of the products with disinfecting features upon the ending of the accommodation of the guests. It shall be ensured that disposal hotel guest amenities, and also the information forms are deployed inside the rooms, as far as possible.
- Guest bedrooms shall be cleaned by the staff members, who will wear a mask, by making use of single-use gloves for each guest room. It shall be ensured that the towels, bedclothes, pillows and sheets at the room of any guest or staff member, who is diagnosed with Covid-19, will be collected and washed separately.
- It shall be ensured that the indoor locations are ventilated with fresh air frequently. The filters of the air-conditioners / air-conditioning systems shall be replaced frequently.
- The areas of use for the staff members and the common use areas for the guests shall be equipped with waste boxes with gray-colored lids, and it shall be indicated that such boxes are only for the materials such as masks and gloves, and such wastes shall not be put together with the other wastes during the course of disposal.
- Cleaning and hygiene of the kitchen and the areas associated with the kitchen, and also of any and all kinds of outfits and equipment used at the kitchen, as well as the counter tops and storage areas shall be ensured on regular basis.
- Hygiene barriers, sterilization devices and also the instruments and equipment as required for hand and body hygiene shall be made available at the kitchen area and also at the food production area, in respect of the raw material and product consignments. No unauthorized staff may enter the kitchen areas.
- During the course of performance of the work, the kitchen staff shall wear their uniforms and personal protective equipment, and wash and disinfect their hands on a regular basis.
- The service materials shall be washed by the dishwashers entirely at the facility (including the bars and snack bars).
- The cleanliness and hygiene of the pool water and the surroundings of the pool and the beach shall be ensured at the maximum level, and the chlorine level shall be kept between 1-3 ppm for the outdoor pools, and between 1-1.5 ppm for the indoor pools. The traceability records shall be kept for the measurements to be performed on periodic basis.
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