
The Inspirational Life of Steve Jobs

He is one of those who come to mind when it comes to entrepreneurship, career, success and determination. We are talking about Steve Jobs, who inspired many with his work discipline, products and success rate. This successful man, the founder of Apple that is one of the giant companies across the world, did not gain his position straight away, or easily. Jobs, who, beyond hard-working, worked with passion, has already marked history as one of those who has proved that dedication is essential for success.  



When it comes to technology, Steve Jobs is one of the topics being wondered most. Steve Jobs remains to be one of the people who is wondered most with his life. Steve Jobs, who set an example for those who want to be successful, said, “Listen to your heart and follow your intuition. "Live each day as if it were your last.”, summarizing the dynamics that made him succeed. The words of Steve Jobs attract a great deal of attention as they summarize his success rate. Here is the inspiring life story of this successful man…



About Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, who was born in San Francisco on February 24, 1955, had a sad starting to his life. His mother Joanne Schieble and Syrian father Abdulfattah 'John' Jandali met at the college and Steve was born to this union. But the couple had to give young Steve up for adoption as they were not married. The couple got married after a short time and also had a daughter.



Father Jandali said that he was desperate to speak to his son so that he would not think that he was after his money, and that he thought Steve should do it. Expecting from his son to take the first step, Jandali could not find what he expected. On the other hand, Steve Jobs got along extremely well with his biological sister, Mona Simpson. Born to an unmarried couple who chose to give him up for adoption, Steve was raised by Clara-Paul Jobs, who were engaged in farming, from Santa Clara, near San Francisco.



Jobs attended Reed University in Portland, Oregon, in 1972, but he dropped out at the end of the first term because he thought the academic life was not for him, and he suffered from adjustment problems. Afterwards, Jobs started to work as a technician at the company called Atari, which made video games, and met with the Homebrew Computer Club. 




The wheels of fate started to turn for Jobs when his path crossed with that of Steve Wozniak, who was working on calculators at Hewlett-Packard. They started working together. One day, Wozniak built a motherboard in Steve's garage, and this motherboard enabled the key pressed on the keyboard to be displayed on the screen. This marked the beginning of the turning point. This was an extremely important ground-breaking initiative. For the whole world!



A Life with Ups and Downs

Apple, the world giant, was founded on April 1, 1976. Their third partner, Ron Wayne, left the team. The Apple I, created by Wozniak, was offered for sales for $666.66. Jobs was responsible for creating funds for this collaboration and marketing the product. Steve Jobs sold his van for $250 and Wozniak sold the calculator for $500 to raise the initial funding.



The model developed by these two partners attracted a great deal of attention of engineers and those who were interested in computers. For this model to be used, the keyboard and screen had to be connected to each other. Apple was founded in 1977. Apple II, the world's first user-friendly personal computer, was introduced. The company's revenues reached $1 million by then.




In December 1980, Apple Computer went public, and broke into the market with high values. Apple Computer Apple III was introduced the same year but did not attract the expected attention as it did for the previous model. It is said that Jobs, who believed that John Sculley, the CEO of Pepsi, would be a good manager for Apple, convinced him with the following words: “"Do you want to sell sugared water for the rest of your life or change the world?”



Steve Jobs was fired by Sculley, whom he hired, after an argument in the company in 1985. Successful entrepreneur, who was fired from his own company, founded NeXT Computer. Unfortunately, it did not bring commercial success. In 1996, Apple bought NeXT to hire Jobs back into the company he founded, and appointed Jobs as the interim CEO of Apple in 1997. Upon the release of iMac during this period, there had been a notable increase in the sales. Steve Jobs worked at Apple for a few years for $1 a year, which made him to be referred to as the Lowest Paid CEO, and got a listing in the Guinness World Records.


Carrying the company to a higher level with products equipped with advanced technology, such as Mac OS X, Ios, iPhone, iPad, iMac, MacBook, Jobs increased the brand value of the company. He resigned from his position as the CEO of Apple Computer on August 25, 2011 due to health problems.   The successful entrepreneur began receiving cancer treatment in 2004. Steve Jobs had a liver transplant in 2009 but died on October 5, 2011.

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  • Alisha Tonkin
  • 23-09-2022

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