
A completely-renovated Barut Hemera in -2020


We'll make many renovations for our guests between 01.12.2019 - 15.03.2020 to provide a higher quality service.

  • Renovations works focused on "Much More Comfort" will be performed at all rooms.
  • Many types of rooms will be available, as appropriate to your needs, with warm and modern decorative touches.
  • Our carbon footprint will be minimized thanks to the renovated environmentally-friendly illumination and air-conditioning systems!
  • Driven by our sensitivity to responsible water consumption and aim to hand down a better world to the future generations, all armatures will be replaced with the environmentally friendly ones equipped with water-saving aerators.
  • Wider screen TVs will be placed at the rooms, and the broadcasting quality will be improved with the highest image quality and more channel options.
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Viewed 2744 times
  • Gladys G. Gonzalez
  • 09-12-2019

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